Kenzie Kitzen


Casting Location: Central Ohio

Character Ages: Youth, teens, 20s, 30s, 40s

Job Title: Fashion Designer & Tech Entrepreneur

Filming Location: Columbus, Ohio

Physical Description: White; Female; Early 40s.

Personality: An ambitious risk taker.

Talents: Fashion designer; graphic designer; entrepreneur

Image Provided by: Shutterstock

Story Written by: Artificial Intelligence

The Mysterious Disappearance of Kenzie Kitzen

It was a dreary Tuesday morning when news broke about the sudden disappearance of Kenzie Kitzen, the renowned designer and founder of the revolutionary shopping app, Modern Material. The tech world was stunned, and whispers of conspiracy theories began to swirl. Kenzie Kitzen, a visionary in the fashion industry, had always been regarded as somewhat of an enigma. With a knack for blending technology with music and style, she single-handedly revolutionized online shopping through an entertaining app that allowed users to interact as fictional characters. Modern Material was more than just a shopping app; it was an experience, transporting users to a digital universe where creativity knew no bounds.

Rumors had it that Kenzie had been working on her most ambitious project yet, a secret feature that would once again change the way people interacted with fashion. But as the days turned into weeks and Kenzie remained missing, the future of Modern Material seemed uncertain. Private detective Peyton O’Donnell, a tech-savvy investigator with a fierce determination, was assigned to the case because she had known Kenzie while they were in college. Payton delved into Kenzie's background, studying every aspect of her life, from her athletic beginnings in Whitley, Ohio, to her meteoric rise in the fashion industry.

As Peyton immersed herself in Kenzie's world, she discovered a complex and enigmatic woman. Kenzie had always kept her personal life guarded, rarely allowing her true self to be seen by the public. But Peyton was determined to uncover the truth behind her disappearance, even if it meant unearthing long-hidden secrets.
The investigation led her to a series of intriguing clues left behind by Kenzie, subtly embedded within the code of the Modern Material app. It dawned on Peyton that Kenzie had anticipated her own vanishing act and had carefully orchestrated a breadcrumb trail for someone to follow on her social media account. As the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, Peyton found herself unraveling a hidden agenda behind Kenzie's disappearance. It became clear that Kenzie had been aware of a profound threat to Modern Material and the music industry as a whole. She had become a target of someone desperate to gain control over her innovative ideas and intellectual property to monetize music through the sales of fashion merchandise.

Working tirelessly against the clock, Peyton raced to expose the truth and locate Kenzie before it was too late. She enlisted the help of the remaining members of the Modern Material team, each possessing a unique set of skills that Kenzie had handpicked. Co-founders, Kyle Karmindy, were on trial for money laundering, and Keaton Renault went on the run to clear his name. Together, they discovered a secret network of powerful individuals determined to stifle innovation and maintain the status quo. Through their relentless pursuit of control, they had silenced countless aspiring artists and designers for decades and had now set their sights on Kenzie and her disruptive creation.

Annie Travis

Annie Travis is a freelance designer for dozens of major retail brands.

Kyle Karmindy


Athena Corbett